Hope House Ministries, along with a group of dedicated investment professionals who form the Endowment Committee, has created the Endowment Fund. Our goal is to protect our financial future while enhancing service autonomy and providing an independent source of revenue. This reduces dependence on grants, as well as governmental assistance.

These funds will be dispersed soley for the support of our multiple human service outreach programs. Thus, our mission of providing compassionate, comprehensive and compentent care through counseling, residential and educational support will continue to serve the many individuals, children and families who are in need.

Since 2003, the Endowment Fund has raised critical funds making it possible for Hope House Ministries to meet its $5.6 million annual budget.

If you would like to make a donation to specifically help stregthen the Endowment Fund at Hope House Ministries, contact Keith Deisner at 631-474-4851 or by email at hhmkeith@optonline.net

The Trust in Providence Endowment Fund

Venue : Villa Lombardi’s
Date : Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Hope House Ministries’ Trust in Providence Endowment Fund serves as an investment fund set aside for long-term support of the agency.  The principle is preserved in perpetuity, realizing its objective to enhance service autonomy and provide an independent source of revenue while strengthening our mission.

The Board of Directors of HHM has selected Thrivent Charitable Impact and Investing as the agency’s trusted fiduciary and investing partner.

An Endowment Committee (EC), comprised of investment professionals who are dedicated to our mission has established a strict plan of policies to ensure that the monies in the Endowment are managed according to the highest standards of the industry and consistent with Hope House Ministries’ objectives.

Any limitations and conditions as to investment or disbursement under which a gift or bequest has been made, shall be diligently observed by the EC.   The EC has established and will monitor appropriate procedures to ensure that all such limitations and conditions are met.

Hope House Ministries will continue to own the principal and all earnings from the money invested in this fund and utilize The Trust In Providence Endowment Fund to ensure that programs and services continue in the future.

Trust in Providence Endowment Fund Options

There are a variety of options through which you can contribute to the HHM Trust in Providence Endowment Fund. We graciously welcome gifts of all sizes and in several forms. Please feel free to make contributions through our regular budget and/or our Endowment Fund.

  1. Cash: A donation of cash is a direct and simple way to assist the HHM Endowment Fund while realizing your charitable objectives. For federal income tax purposes, cash gifts are fully deductible for those who itemize.
  2. Memorial/Honorary Gifts: A memorial gift is a way to honor a loved one who has passed away. In addition, you may wish to honor a special anniversary, a birthday or retirement by sending a contribution to the HHM Trust In Providence Endowment Fund. A tribute will be forwarded to the person being honored, or to the family of the person being memorialized. Please send your gift to the Trust In Providence Endowment Fund in care of the Development Department and specify the person(s) who should receive this acknowledgement along with their address.
  3. Bequests: The Trust in Providence Endowment Fund can be a beneficiary of your estate, the recipient of a specified gift, residuary or contingent bequest, or the ultimate beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust. According to the IRS, bequests are deductible for federal estate tax purposes. Your personal accountant or financial advisor can provide assistance with wills, estate and gift planning.
  4. Appreciated Property (Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate): Gifts of securities as well as other appreciated property will also help us to reach our threshold goal. With a gift of appreciated securities held for more than one year, not only do you receive a charitable deduction, but you also avoid capital gains taxes. Additionally, gifts of appreciated real estate may make an attractive gift into a charitable remainder trust. Specifically, you will receive income for life and HHM receives the remainder at the time of death.
  5. Life Insurance: As life insurance customarily yeilds a large gift at an affordable monthly cost, you may find it to be a practical form of giving. You may give a life insurance policy that you already own, establish a new contract or name Hope House Ministries as the owner/beneficiary. Please consult your personal accountant or financial advisor regarding such gift arrangements. Premium payments for charitable life insurance contracts are tax deductible.
  6. Gifts that provide you with lifetime income: Deferred gifts include donations in which you transfer assets to Hope House Ministries. You will receive, in return, a lifetime of income interest for you, your children, spouse and/or other specified beneficiaries. Gift opportunities can be customized to meet the needs and priorities of the donor. Your personal financial advisor can assist you in determining how to best reach your goals through various gift options such as: charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities and deferred payment charitable gift annuities.

Thank you for considering a gift that will further or outreach programs as well as protect the future of Hope House Ministries. An important part of the success of our ministry has been the generosity of individuals and businesses who, in sharing our mission that “all life is sacred,” have offered their volunteer and monetary assistance. This support has enabled us to provide services to hundreds of thousands individuals to date.

However you choose to give to the Endowment Fund, we thank you for your ongoing support of our vital work. Since 1980, Hope House Ministries has been committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive and competent care for the poor, the marginal and the wounded among us. With your generous help, we will strive to continue “being men and women of hope in a world of shattered dreams.”

How can I give to Hope House Ministries’ Trust in Providence Endowment Fund?

Development Office
1 High Street, P.O. Box 358
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
(631) 473-8796
(631) 474-4851
(631) 828-8818 (fax)
Email: kdeisner@hhm.org
Web Site: www.hhm.org

For questions regarding tax deductions, please refer to the Internal Revenue Service: Publication 526 entitled Charitable Contributions.